- Technique Name: Wrench (Limb)
- Difficulty: Hard
- Prerequisite: None
- Default: ST-4
- Maximum: ST+3
- Damage: sw cr
- Book/Page: Basic Set pg 404; GURPS Martial Arts p.82; Martial Arts: Technical Grappling p 41
Wrench Limb was a combat option introduced on B404. Unlike Neck Snap on the same page, it did not get a technique on B232.
Martial Arts, rather than introducing a technique which allowed buying up ALL limb-wrenching, required it to be split into two techniques, MA82's Wrench (Limb) notes defined Wrench Arm or Wrench Leg which are bought up separately.
There is an "and so forth" implying there might be a 3rd time of limb.
MA gave legs an extra +4 to resist this attack.
B404 was initially vague as to whether this was a free action or an attack, MA82 emphasized it was an attack.
Initially the contest is resisted by the better of a foe's ST or DX. It didn't specify whether Lifting ST or Striking ST would help.
TG41 gave further options: it could used "trained ST" to resist, or "DX or best grappling skill" if higher.
Initially it was "swing damage" but TG changed this to making it margin-based damage like with choking.
by Douglas Cole[]
regarding pulling limbs off:
- Well, ST 10 swing damage can be had for 2d-2 on a best roll, which is ST 13 (2d-1). You can do even worse with an All-Out Attack.
- Try a HT+4 roll, maybe at a penalty of (say) -1 per HP past the full HP required to cause you to roll HT+4 in teh first place.
- So at ST 25 (5d-1 swing), a max-damage roll of 24 points to a HT 10/HP 10 person would put 14 points over the "maybe it comes off" threshold. That's a roll of HT-10, or HT 0 . . . it comes right off.
- To do this on an average damge roll, you'd need swing damage of about 6d+2 or 7d-1, or ST 37-40.
- Since someone with ST 40 has a basic lift sufficient to exert 2500 lbs. of force with a two-handed lift, having an arm come off under this load doesn't break my suspension of disbelief much. At all. :-)
- They just ripped the entire limb right out of the socket, killing the prey instantly.
- Was a classic ST-based Wrench Limb that did enough damage to pull the hind leg right out of the hip joint.
- And to Tomsdad's point, it was definitely two hyenas pulling in tandem.
- Point is, there IS an amount of force that would do it, it was definitely Wrench Limb, but it will take a great deal of effort to Beowulf someone.