
Wyvern, 1904

Quantum: 4
Infinity Class: originally P9; upgraded to Z two years later

Edwardian Era with dragons. Infinity is trying to find all the tourists who visited it when it was P9, hoping that no one's leaked the secret of parachronics to the ambitious dragons.


The dragons are broken up into six main factions

  • Conservatives: As the default group they don't recognize or believe that the world or humans require measured interaction, or think any problems are exaggerated. In extreme cases, some think that dragonkind can do exactly as it chooses without serious difficulties. They see most of the other factions are hotheaded fools though they ally with the Retreaters than any other group. The Teachers and Enslavers deeply concern them.
  • Integrators: As the opposite of the Conservatives, these dragons believe that the best – perhaps the only safe – option is to become a part of human society, usually by assuming human form and going "native" among them. They see the Conservatives and Teachers as wave making trouble makers who use their powers too brazenly to dominate humans. They see the Retreaters as harmless and share some views with Americans.
  • Teachers: exploit one's ability to teach humans sorcery to acquire powerful human allies. They see all Enslavers as well as some Conservatives and Americans as brutish tyrants and the other factions as overly nervous and silly.
  • Retreaters: Withdraw into secluded fortresses and wildernesses, far away from humanity and hope the humans will "go away".
  • Enslavers believe that dragons should outright take over the world and enslave humanity. They see the other factions as cowards who will doom the species
  • Americans: The most diverse of the six groups they tend to take on values shaped by history and geography. The North American subgroup, for example, have taken on psychology of the pioneer, the frontiersman, the “can-do” tinkerer, or the robber-baron capitalist. Even by dragon standards, they are moderately democratic, meritocratic, and highly plutocratic. They generally view the other factions as inflexible and clueless, but aren't afraid to use some Enslaver or Teacher proposals as a way to make more wealth.

Other Pathways[]

While Wyvern has a Z classification, it's possible that some non-Patrol entities have gotten there using the Eleusis Alesia dimensional highway.

Eleusis Alesia Connections
Worldline Classification Likely Route
Britannica-7 ? West coast of Iberian Peninsula, (Saracen Caliphate)
Johnson's Rome O9 (Open) West coast of Iberian Peninsula (Johnson's Rome)


In the original write up it was suggested a close analog of this reality could be on Quantum 3. There they only seemed to have appeared in 1878.

